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Welcome to the St. John Center

The Necessity of Gospel Movements

Throughout the history of the Church, she has always seen the greatest success when several elements fell into place. First is a focus on discipleship where each each person was nurtured into a  robust understanding of the Gospel. Second, because of this Gospel literacy, every member (not just a professional clergy) were sent out to make disciples. The Gospel was the responsibility of the whole church. Third, because of the first two, it turned into a prolific movement that was not ruled from the top down. Whether this was the early Church that converted the Roman Empire in just over two centuries, Patrick's movement in Ireland and Europe, or the modern Church in China, the Gospel advances when it becomes a movement of disciples making disciples. And in most of these cases, there were certain centers where this got its momentum. The St. John Center for Discipleship is conceived for helping stimulate that movement here in New England. We do not pretend that we are the one's who started it. Nor do we think that the center can do this. Rather, we are merely recognizing it and then aim to come along side the church regionally to aid, support and stimulate it to fulfill its calling.




The Saint John Center will be a Discipleship and leadership training center to serve the needs of the Church in Southern New England. Its primary role will be to house the Providence School of Theology which will be a program dedicated to training and raising up church planters and Gospel leaders for the region. 

One emphasis will be to provide academically high-quality theological training at an affordable price to locals and minorities for whom traditional seminary is unable to serve. Second students and local leaders will be trained on how to make disciples who are Christ glorifying in every aspect of life.

The St. John Center will also be used for continuing education, lectureships, and seminars for local clergy. This will help stimulate cooperative dialogue, mission and church planting among existing churches and ministers laboring in Southern New England.

It will also eventually house a resource library for the students and accommodations for study sabbaticals for pastors. The desire is to provide facilities and resources to come along side the church in Southern New England to help and support it in fulfilling her calling. Please take your time to look over our website so you can see how you can help us make this vision come true.

"With established and characteristically white Churches closing their doors at an alarming rate and ethnic, minority, immigrant, and economically challenged population churches growing, the time to respond is now. Old Guard Protestantism ceded the battlefield. The future of the Gospel in new England will be only secured by making disciples and new Church development."


Rev. Todd J. Murphy

What is the St. John Center?

© 2012 by The St. John Center for Discipleship. All rights reserved

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